
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sometimes too much of a good thing (or in this case, a good idea) can be just TOO MUCH!!
Case in point: this obsession with dressing all your kids in matching clothes. I know, its so cute, blah blah, blah. I agree- to a point. It's just driving me crazy because some of the people I have been observing have just taken it to a ridiculous extreme.
I mean, does this mean that you can never dress your younger kids in hand me downs from their older sibling, because the older ones have outgrown that particular outfit and your kids wont be (gasp!) matching that day?
Chol Homoed wherever I went I saw tons of siblings all matched up from their little pony holders to their tights and even shoes in some cases. I want to know, if you have kids close in age and size, and they have the same shoes, how do they know whose is whose? Dont they ever get mixed up? And dont you get BORED seeing the same outfit all day on everyone.
Why does this never work for me? Nobody else sees to have this problem. On the occasion that I have bought matching outfits for the kids, you can bet that
a- one of them will spill something nasty down their front early in the morning. This leaves me with a dilemma- should I change her, and everyone else? or for the sake of Matching, leave her in the dirty t shirt?
b- everyone's outfits are all lined up EXCEPT for one sock which cannot be found.
so does that blow the entire thing? how can we appear in public with non matching socks?
c- one kid will refuse to do it (the older one) "I am not wearing the same thing as him"
d- the 9 year old is squeezed into the size 4 and the 4 year old is swimming in the size 8.
But the real DANGER in all of this, is that it seems to be becoming almost a requirement.
Back in the day, all babies and kids wore white socks, no matter what color their outfits were. Then matching socks to their outfits became a requirement. Well, nobody is going to arrest you if you dont do it, but you know. you'll look like a total nerd. It's just not acceptable anymore. Is this where we are going with the matching siblings thing?


At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

matchy dressing is way out of hand, if it takes away your whil kup, and u do it to show them off to the others,


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