
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Shidduch Crisis - yea or nay?

Is there really a shidduch crisis?

There has been a lot of talk about this. It has become a catch phrase. I think it is terrible. When you call something a crisis, it scares people and makes them feel desperate. Girls and even more so, mothers of girls, start to feel this pressure - hey there is a crisis out there. so they may do things they wouldnt normally do.

Such as start dating at a younger age than they would ideally want to. After all, they get this feeling that the window of opportunity is from 19 - 20 and if they miss this, they will be in trouble. Even though they would prefer not to get married quite that young.

Or maybe they would go out with and marry someone that is not really what they were looking for, but that feeling of impending crisis pushes them. But this is a decision that should not be made that way, and they could easily live to regret it in a bad way.

Maybe there is a crisis; people seem to think that you need major amounts of money to marry off your daughter and promise to support them forever etc...or else they wont get a date. If that is true the crisis is greed, not shidduchim.

however as a word of encouragement to those out there, look at the mazal tov sections. We see poor as well as rich girls getting engaged. so if the problem is money, how are the poor girls managing to get married?

And another thing - if guys were only interested in rich girls, how come there is yad devora lkallah, an organization which says it is helping out hundreds of poor kallahs? if poor girls are not wanted, this organization and others like it would not exist would they?

so what exactly is the problem - anyone know? I am not anywhere near the shidduch scene- I am too old and my kids are way to young- but if anyone out there knows something about it I would be interested in your input.


At 6:33 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Its a major problem that gets worse by the year and its simple mathematics.

If the year 1985 produced 100 boys and 100 girls..and the frum population is growing at an average of 10% per year that means that 1987 produced 120 boys and 120 girls.
Now if the the class of 1985 Boys is being matched with the class of 1987 girls that means there are 20 more girls than boys...

At 8:33 PM, Blogger ggggg said...

everything these days is a "crisis"!!!

At 1:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Lakevent...but this is the only one that 'they' haven't figured out how to shnoor money out of us....

At 8:48 AM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

The crisis is that there are so many singles out there simple as that. Many more good girls than good guys which makes it so hard.

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

free love would solve sooooo many problems in every community.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger ggggg said...


At 10:43 AM, Blogger megapixel said...

i think several things have to change
1: girls that are 21+ should not be considered not as good a catch as a 19 year old. its just plain stupid I would like to hear a good reason why people believe this.

2: guys should be willing to go out with girls their age or even a little older.

3: anonymous- the professional shadchanim sure know how to shnoor money to fix this problem.!

4: true there are more good guys -maybe we should work on that from the root of the problem, fix the chinuch system for the boys. but i think the tide is turning there. there are more girls today that are not so "good"
david - true, but there are so many variables to your theory
ie- my husband is over four years older than me. some boys and girls fall by the wayside... so it's not quite that pat. marrying the same age might help...but not if 21 year olds think 19 year old girls are better...

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Very interesting. I guess where I come from there isn't a crisis because we stop the clock, in regards to modernizing. Try Matchmakers without any dates. Look, see, meet and married. It worked for me...

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have something to email you. You should put up your email in your profile so that your readers can contact you. Hope you will.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chaim - dont wanna do that, can you just copy and paste it here as a comment?

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't, it's important that it not be posted.

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the current shidduch situation is that different from the previous generation - I believe that the problem appears greater because we now have a larger population of frum Jews. However, ask yourself, what is being done to alleviate this situation? Try to do whatever you can to help single people find their zivug, from at least davening to trying to redt a shidduch. I believe that the wait to find my bashert (including the dating, the emotional stress, the insensitive comments, the putting myself out there ie attending my cousin’s cousin simcha) are all part and parcel of my nisayon of being single and iyh Hashem will find me my bashert soon. I am grateful to people who try to think of a shidduch for me and someone who gets me a date always gets a thank you card.


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