
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I never win things. Regardless, I just did something I never do. I bought a raffle ticket. I never do this because I never win, and probably one of the reasons I never win is because I rarely buy raffle tickets. or chinese auction tickets.

But this is different, because the ticket is 100 bucks, and the prize is $100,000.00. And a hundred grand would solve a lot of my problems...

Also, the kid that convinced me to do this for his yeshiva was really cute - he told me that I win olam haba and maybe in olam hazeh, also. And the drawing is in two hours!!
So I gave him my credit card number...after making him promise to pray for me. And pledging some of my winnings to tzedakah.

Then I decided that some tehillim wouldnt be a bad idea, so I started to daven. Then some thoughts crossed my mind.

If I have alot of money, am I not really me? Being frugal and wondering how I am going to cover this month's bills is part and parcel of the ME that I know. If you take that away, will I not be myself somehow?

I once heard wise words from Rav Segal (manchester) He said as follows: Everyone has tzoris in life. Pray that your tzoris is financial, because all the other tzoris are worse. So if I get one hundred grand, and my money "tzoris" are solved, what?
Will this be a good thing?

SO as I am praying, my prayers are kind of half hearted already. DO I really want to win? Do prayers that are half hearted get answered?

And another thing. There is only one winner. So maybe there is someone else out there who is in a desperate situation and they need the money so much worse than I do. If I win, they cant. How would I feel about that?

Sooo, the question is, should I call them back and tell them to cancel the credit card charges and tear up my raffle?


At 7:00 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Talk about Jewish guilt...

Well what you did was a mitzvah..and the gemara says a person allowed to expressly give Tzedaka in order to make more money.
And if you do good with your money then it can be a vehicle for kiddush hashem and more mitzvas.
We cannot make Hashems cheshbonos of who deserves how much tzaros...

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so we have a mashgeach here, i think rabbi salamon should start looking for a new job

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i share your relief of not having won. that makes two of us at least. be careful, next time you just might win. "hey, you never know"

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Independent Frum Thinker said...

Your sense of priority is commendable.

At 8:10 PM, Blogger megapixel said...

UPDATE I did not win. Oh, well. guess I am not surprised, but it sure would have been nice. Every time I dont win, I resolve not to buy raffle tickets anymore. The disappointment is just too great!!

david - I am the queen of jewish guilt. but thanks for the encouragement

Peasoup, welcome! we can always use more mashgichim to keep us on the straight and narrow.

frumbabe- I dont think i am relieved at not winning...

IFT- to be complimented by an independant thinker who is also frum just warms my heart.

At 10:56 PM, Blogger SemGirl said...

cheer up Mega...

There is a story from Reb Elchonon. that a yedd begged him for a brocha to win a lottery. After nagging im a long time, Reb Elchonon gave him a brocha, a year later this yeed was very sick. Bh, he finally recovered even though the chances of this according to the doctors was 10000 to 1.. Reb Elchonon said "Ir takeh hut gvunnin a lottery "...

You should only have Simcha, Mega.. with or without money...

At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a great Prize, I never saw this much prize. The chines raffle ticket offers big amount. Buy this raffle ticket and win dream prizes.


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