More on Lakewood kids:
"Mommy, do eagles have seat belts?"---my six year old son
My four year old son inherited a pair of Superman pjs from his uncle. He was running around in them, and I said, "Look, you're Superman!" He started running around yelling "I'm Superman - Want soup?"
I was telling my 3 year old "The Three Bears". He interrupted with an important question "Where was Goldilocks' Tatty?"
"He was at work"
My son started to laugh hysterically. "Only Mommies go to work! Tatties go to Yeshiva!"
...And then this conversation I overheard between my five year old and the neighbor's five year old girl:
My son: Mommy, Leah pushed me
Me: Leah, did you push Moishi?
Leah: NO! I didnt
then Leah turns to Moishi and says: Now you have to give me a bracha!
Moishi: but I dont know how to
Leah: Just say, you should grow up to be a big tzadeikes!
Moishi: Okay, you should grow up to be a big tzadeikes.
Arent these great?
lol precious precious
cute, very cute
you should only have nachas from them
anyone who compliments my kids gets my undying
is that a good thing?
what could be better for a blogger than an undyingly devoted commenter get to
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