
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Gay Pride
It reminds me of a joke I once heard. This guy, Yankel has a problem. He's a bedwetter. Now that he is approaching shiduch age, he's 21 years old, his buddy, Nate says to him, "Look, Yankel, you gotta take care of the problem. Here's the number to a good shrink, he's supposed to be good with this kind of stuff" Well a couple of months pass, and Nate bumps into Yankel in the shtibel, and asks him "nu, Yankel, vus is geshen? Did you ever see that doctor I told you about?" "yeah!" says Yankel, enthusiastically.
"Well, what happened? Did you stop wetting the bed?"
"NO! I didnt." answers Yankel. "But now I am Proud of it!"

See, this is similar to the gay issue. It really is a Problem, but instead of addressing the problem and trying to fix it, they are now Proud of their problem.
Now, supposing that Yankel decides that he is so Proud of his problem, or differentness, that he decides to "come out of the closet" and get together and form a club with other people who have the same problem. Next thing you know, they decide that they want to march down Fifth Avenue, proclaiming their Pride in their bedwetting. Let us say that they will wave their flag, a big plastic sheet, and announce to the world how happy they are to be a bed wetter. Does anyone care? No, of course not. Who cares what goes on in their private lives. I for one, am NOT INTERESTED!! Too Much Information!!
Of course, this is a very simplistic view of the whole thing, because our bedwetting comparison leaves out a major wrinkle - religion. As far as I know, nowhere in the Torah does it say "Thou shalt not wetteth thy bed" so they are not in violation of anything but bad taste.
Up till sometime in the 1970s, homosexuality was considered a mental illness and was listed as such in the medical textbooks. Somewhere about that time, (forget the exact year) a big convention was held for mental health professionals. This issue came up - the very vocal gays wanted it voted out of the "mental illness" category of the textbooks. Cleverly, they managed to hold the vote at a time when most of the convention participants had stepped out, it was lunchtime or some such thing. Just a handful of liberal professors were there, and the vote was passed. So from then on, it is not considered a mental illness anymore. See, the vocal gays know what they are doing. From "mental illness" to "alternative lifestyle" then its "equal rights" and their next demand is for the word "marriage" to include two gays living together.
Gays are guilty of the same tragic mistake as our friend Yankel. Instead of focusing on fixing their problem, they want to world to agree that all is cool. There are therapies that can help. The vocal gays have managed to get so much publicity for the AIDS cause. Millions of dollars are spent each year to study and find a cure for AIDS, largely a PREVENTABLE disease. Imagine if all that effort and money went into finding a cure for HOMOSEXUALITY? Wouldnt that be so much better? Most gays say they didnt want to be gay. So surely they would be GLAD to be rid of that burden.
The big issue was the Jerusalem gay pride parade. We all agree (except for maybe a few Neturai Kartas) that Israel is a jewish country, given to our forefather. It's in the Torah. Even the irreligious Israelis will tell you that. Yet it is the same Torah that condems homosexuality! How can you choose to believe in one and not the other? So how can they allow a parade of sinners to proudly march thru the holiest city in the world? Would they allow a parade of convicted murderers? Not that I say gay people are murderers, but they are guilty of violating the same Torah.
It is one thing to lose to your yetzer hara and commit a sin, but if you at least regret it, or are ashamed of it...but to PROUDLY parade around? It adds insult to injury, I think.


At 5:10 PM, Blogger socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Nice blog good luck with it.

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Fantastic post, with very well put points. However, if you are not gay I don't think you have a right to dub it a 'disease'. From what I hear being gay is not curable. The gay issue has been an issue for far more years than the AIDS disease. Had it been 'curable' I'm sure we would've known by now.

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well written post, hatzlocha raba

At 11:40 AM, Blogger megapixel said...

there are therapies that can help.and people that have been helped. but that idea is not popular cuz the gay activists dont want you calling it a disease, but want you to believe that it is an alternative lifestyle.
and yes the gay issue has been around so long, but now it s 2006 and we have dr.s and researchers and money and labs, and technology so we are in a position to fix the problem, if only they would admit there IS a problem. but it is not politically correct.

social worker, what does that say about your social working abilities if you are a frustrated mom just like us non-social workers. where do socialworkers go when they are frustrated?

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Jack Steiner said...


You are fooling yourself. Such confusion is unhealthy.

There is nothing wrong with being gay other than provincial souls who use outdated and unscientific theories to protect their sheltered worlds.


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