On the economy: Over my life span, I can remember times when one item's price or another went sky-high- but I cant remember a time when EVERYTHING went up all at once and it is really affecting me. Although I dont work in the real estate or mortgage industries, everything trickles down, and I am frankly amazed at how quickly it has trickled down. My finances have always been tight- starting out in kollel for a number of years, then the next few years when me and my husband were both working while he built himself up from starting salary. Then for a few years we were playing catch-up- trying to pay off credit card debt while juggling tuitions and living expenses. This year, I knew i was going to be at a whole new level of financial struggle, because one child went to an out of town yeshiva which is very expensive, another child entered high school, the third child's tuition went up, and the "baby" started playgroup. SO I really had no idea how I was going to manage, but when you are in sales, there is always hope - you might just pull off "the big one". Sadly the opposite has occured. Business is very affected by tightened budgets and it is showing itself very strongly. I was not able to make my car payment this month. I had to call my mortgage company and ask them for a few extra weeks to make my payment. (BH the money turned up.) Paying the bills has been worrisome. I am really trying to pare down the costs of meals that I am serving. I hope this doesnt last. I dont have too much leeway . observations on PTA meetings: I went to a PTA meeting tonight and I didnt want to leave. They all had such nice things to say about my son. My husband at one point thought we were done and was ready to go, and I told him, NO we have two more English teachers to speak to. He sort of said, What for? let's just go already. But I said No Way! I finally get to hear good stuff (BH). I'm staying!! This was after speaking to my other son's rebbeim a couple of nights ago, where the reports were not as exciting. Another thing that I have been saying for a few years is that kids dont really change. EVERY teacher says the same thing every year about each kid. There is almost no point in going to these PTA meetings cuz I know exactly what each Rebbe will say. (Some years the only reason I go is so that the Rebbe will know there's someone who cares) on looking for the good in things: a few of my kids are extremely shy and sometimes I feel annoyed about it because a. I feel that people (my extended family) dont really get to know my kids, it is hard to get to know them because of their extreme shyness and they are such great kids I want everyone to enjoy them. b. They dont want to go to friends houses and socialize with other kids their age. they hang around me and are bored alot. c. I worry about them not having a healthy social life, and also about their futures. However I recently spoke to the kid's principal, and she told me she loves the shy kids. It is a true Jewish midda - bayshanus. Tonight my son's Rosh Yeshiva said the same thing. I realize that it is so true. Sometimes I see kids who are so in-your-face and chutzpadik, I think they could do with a dollop of shyness. (of course there is a nice balance, but still, it helps me deal with it when I think along these lines.) Truth be told, they really get this from me, because I was always very shy, and did try hard to overcome it. When I tell people I know, that my kids get my shyness from me, they usually dont believe it. My husband doesnt have a shy bone. (not that he is obnoxious or anything)
The sad thing is, this economic situation will not get any better for at least a year, and then recover very slowly. I think it still hasn't hit many frum communities fully, especially in the tzadaka world. In the next 3 months, you will see a number of 'secondary' (i.e.where there is no broad constituency)programs such as; Bikur Cholims and other specific health related tzedakas, mentoring kids, Gemachs, foreign based tzdakas etc take a big hit with most of them closing down. Further down the road, this downturn will hit closer to home, and even a number of yeshivas and schools, will be forced to close causing severe stress to our community. Kollelim will shrink and even emergency services like Hatzolah will cut services.
PTA meetings: I feel the same as your husband, but my wife always insists on seeing each teacher, not only to get a report on how the kids are doing (great, thank you!) but to also let the teachers know how they are doing (good, most of the times).
Regarding shyness, you said it best! "Sometimes I see kids who are so in-your-face and chutzpadik, I think they could do with a dollop of shyness."
Re the econmy:I'm actually suprised as to how few people I know personally had their personal lives affected by the economy.Although my husband and I did lose a lot of money in real estate (Trenton)B'H it did not affect our day to day lives.
Re PTA: If every teacher says the same thing about your child; you have more of a case against/for them.From the few memorable times I had to conceed to my parents as a teenager, was when they told me in 10th grade, that (1)if almost every single teacher says the same (negitive) things about me I can no longer can deny it and (2)if 95% of the girls facing the same external circumstances as me don't react the way I do I can no longer blame those circumstances.
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