Some people dont always realize that when they are having a cell phone conversation, they tend to talk loud - kind of like people who are wearing headphones and start to sing are singing very loud.
The other day I was in line at WalMart and this yeshiva guy (BMG) was ahead of me on line. He was talking very loud throughout the whole transaction, and thanks to that I now know two interesting things about this complete stranger:
1- He doesnt want to start dating yet. He wants to learn one whole zman in yeshiva first and THEN start dating.
2- He prefers boxers, the kind with Superhero comics printed on them
See -you never know what juicy tidbits you'll find out about people, if only you are alert...
Although the type of clothing he was buying was thewre for you to see I find it very odd he would discussed it on the phone with anyone particullary in a conversation about his future shidducim.Unless his shadchen was good old 'Elisheva'...
This suerhero comic business is difficult for me to believe.If he is in (e.g.)the Irv where is he going to do his laundry?As someone who spent more then 2 years in the Irv I took out who-knows-how many loads of laundry from washing machines and dryers when it came my turn and I sure never came across such stuff.
you will just have to take my word on it. what can I say? It was amusing.
Is it over?
Just maybe...
Well I hope not
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