
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Because I am a little farshlepped, and I also am forgetful, ( I always thought that Nashim Daatum Kalos was referring directly to me) I never remember to put white shirts on the kids on Rosh Chodesh. Actually, I dont even know its Rosh Chodesh half the time. Then I go out and see all the kids in town wearing their white shirts, and I say to myself what a loser I am. My kids are practically the only ones in town who arent looking all festive. Oh well. Today, however, for the first time, my son reminded me in the morning that it was Rosh Chodesh and I even had clean white shirts for everyone, which is a minor miracle. Wouldnt you know it, one (the ornery one) came out wearing his blue shirt with the ink stains on it from yesterday, and told me very clearly that at his age, he doesnt need to wear a white shirt anymore on Rosh Chodesh. So I am back to being a shlepper. It is my fate in life. I just cannot be put together. I get new furniture, it gets a big nick within weeks. I get a new car, the rear fender gets that nasty little dent. My kids will always get themselves dirty within minutes of getting dressed each morning. My son runs around in shoes without socks. All the doorknobs in my house are loose. One toilet is currently stuffed because the little genius had to empty out his leftover plaster from his project into the toilet. There is probably a big blob of plaster somewhere in the pipe blocking the way. Now we are down to one working toilet, and thats just plain difficult. Every time you sit down with a Reader's Digest, some kid has to come along and whine, "but I have to make NOW". Even my stroller, which we all know is the ultimate status symbol, is now very clearly yelling out "SHLEPPER" because the hood is on sort of an angle. Like I said, I think it's my fate in life, gd's way of saying, Megapixel, dont get too full of yourself. You're not in control.


At 11:46 PM, Blogger SemGirl said...

Dont worry, just adjust your black crocheted snood in the mirror and make sure every hair is covered, get a robe exactly like every lady on your block.

Then say to yourself, I went to Bais Yacob and I love myself to pieces..

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didnt get that.
1- I dont own any black snoods
2- I have a burgundy robe
3- I didnt go to bais Yakov
anyway what does that have to do with the price of tea. you sound a little hostile.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger SemGirl said...

What I'm trying to say in a very nice way is all the ladies in my neighborhood are all Clones. They dress the same, and act like 'Stepford Wives' , (google it if you arent sure what I mean)..

Dont worrry if your furniture, house, car isnt nice. You dont need a perfect stroller.

Just learn, davern, do Chesed and be happy to be a Bas Yisroel.

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Shpitzle Shtrimpkind said...

Welcome to the real world Megapixele! Nobody's perfect. It's not just you.

You're inperfections are trivial. They're about shirts and cars and hoods. For those that all of these things are right... uch and vey.

I think Semgirl said it best. Uplifting comment.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger ggggg said...

Appreciate the positive in your life, and don't sweat the small stuff!


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