
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Not to toot my own horn, but my kids are really cute. BH. Sometimes they just crack me up. I was having this discussion with my kids about the Rabbi in Seattle who threatened to sue Seatac Airport because they did not want to put up a menorah alongside the kratzmach trees. They whole Happy Holidays vs. Happy Xmas issue is in the news alot lately, it seems. People getting offended about being told Happy Xmas if it is not their holiday, religious symbols on government properties, seasonal songs being sung in public schools, etc. Every year some uptight self righteous idiot makes an issue out of it. The airport released a statement to the effect that since they are in the business of flying airplanes and this is their very busy season, they do not have the time to be anthropologists and put up every religion's symbols. So they took down the trees, too. The next day the Rabbi, a Lubavitcher, stated that he did not intend to make them take the trees away, he only wanted his symbol there, too. So he withdrew his threat of a lawsuit.They put the trees back up. My son said "if they had time to take the trees down and them put them back up, they could have time to put up one menorah" (I for one would rather they concentrate on safety and security and forget about decorations...) I explained to my son that if the Rabbi wants the menorah, the muslims will want their symbol, and so on, etc. So my son (age 12) says " What are they gonna put up there for a Muslim religious symbol? a BOMB? a suicide bomber?" My opinion? Rabbi B, if you want to display your menorah, put it in your damn window of your house, which is what the tradition is, your shul, etc. Be happy that no one is breaking your windows because you have a jewish symbol, and keep your mouth shut! I always find it offensive when malls and stores display a tree and a menorah together, as if they are the same- I want our symbol to be elevated, not brought down to their level.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger ggggg said...

smart kid you have!

At 8:21 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

That whole issue really roils my blood (what the heck is roils anyhow?)

Lubavitch is way out of line with their insistance of menoras all over. Focus on our own..

btw...cute kids...but my kids are

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Independent Frum Thinker said...

Very good post.
I left a comment to that effect here:

Your kid's question about the bomb cracked me up.


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