Whenever i polish my few pieces of silver, by the time I am done, I say to myself "thank g'd no one gave me silver cutlery as a wedding gift cuz if they had, I would still be polishing. And here I am - all done!"
Well all I can say is that at this time of the year, I am SO glad that I don't have the things I sometimes think I need.
Another two bedrooms, and a basement for the kids to play in, a few more closets for storage - we know all too well that nature abhors a vacuum, and any space gets filled up with stuff that will inevitably need to be cleaned for Pesach. It is good to remind myself once in while that I dont need everything I think I need.
So BH I am that much closer to completing this daunting task.
I go by the theory that dust is not chometz. I do not put all the legos in the washing machine, etc. I need to keep reminding myself of this. I dont know how I would do it if I was the wall-scrubbing type. It's hard enough to clean the whole house from top to bottom my way. I think I would go crazy.
There must be something wrong with me. Every time I make arrangements to get a cleaning lady, she doesnt show. All I have is the 2 hours a week that my regular cleaning lady will give me. She is with me for several years and now charges $10 an hour. Who is going to scrub my stove? Not me, I hope.
I really hate to clean...So much rather be doing other fun things.
Oh well, at least the house will be clean, I tell myself.
From the way it looks right now, its hard to believe it will ever be clean.
Just remember rule #1 in Pesach cleaning. "Chai Bhem". One is supposed to live and grow with mitzvos, not kill themself..
Keep it up and you'll come out on top.
Dust is not Chometz?! And all these years I was brainwashed into believing that it was indeed chometz! Wow! Thanks for the eye opening post! :-)
lake vent - scoff all you want, but you are obviously a man...
Many women drive themselves crazy with the pesach cleaning and forget this important fact.
ift- saw your letter in the lakewood voice today!
sem - thanks for the semwords
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