
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Whenever i polish my few pieces of silver, by the time I am done, I say to myself "thank g'd no one gave me silver cutlery as a wedding gift cuz if they had, I would still be polishing. And here I am - all done!"

Well all I can say is that at this time of the year, I am SO glad that I don't have the things I sometimes think I need.
Another two bedrooms, and a basement for the kids to play in, a few more closets for storage - we know all too well that nature abhors a vacuum, and any space gets filled up with stuff that will inevitably need to be cleaned for Pesach. It is good to remind myself once in while that I dont need everything I think I need.

So BH I am that much closer to completing this daunting task.

I go by the theory that dust is not chometz. I do not put all the legos in the washing machine, etc. I need to keep reminding myself of this. I dont know how I would do it if I was the wall-scrubbing type. It's hard enough to clean the whole house from top to bottom my way. I think I would go crazy.

There must be something wrong with me. Every time I make arrangements to get a cleaning lady, she doesnt show. All I have is the 2 hours a week that my regular cleaning lady will give me. She is with me for several years and now charges $10 an hour. Who is going to scrub my stove? Not me, I hope.
I really hate to clean...So much rather be doing other fun things.
Oh well, at least the house will be clean, I tell myself.
From the way it looks right now, its hard to believe it will ever be clean.


At 5:34 AM, Blogger SemGirl said...

Just remember rule #1 in Pesach cleaning. "Chai Bhem". One is supposed to live and grow with mitzvos, not kill themself..

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Independent Frum Thinker said...

Keep it up and you'll come out on top.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger ggggg said...

Dust is not Chometz?! And all these years I was brainwashed into believing that it was indeed chometz! Wow! Thanks for the eye opening post! :-)

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lake vent - scoff all you want, but you are obviously a man...
Many women drive themselves crazy with the pesach cleaning and forget this important fact.

ift- saw your letter in the lakewood voice today!

sem - thanks for the semwords


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