
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Megapixel's Ideal World

Hello? Mr. Mendlowitz? How are you? This is Rabbi Haminahamina. I would like to meet with you and Mr. Schmeltzer about some concerns I and some other rabanim have about your upcoming event. Can we meet Sunday at 2:00?

Sure, Rabbi. I'll be there, iyh.

Sunday at 2:00

Thanks for coming, r' sheya and r' lipa. Like I mentioned earlier, we have some concerns about this Big Event. Lets get right to the point. First of all, several people have mentioned to us that these events tend to have boys and girls mixing inappropriately, before the concert, during intermission, etc.What can we do to avoid this, and keep a proper atmosphere for Yiddishe kinderlach?

Rabbi, I want to do everything in my power to keep this a kosher environment. After all, one of the points of this concert is to provide a little fun and geshmak for our kids, so they enjoy and take pride in their special role as frum Jews.
First of all, we have instituted separate entrances for men and women, so there will be no mixing from the point of entry. Second of all, we have eliminated intermission, and we have also decided not to sell snacks so the show will go from start to finish, with no reason for anyone to leave their seats. And finally, separate exits.

That sounds pretty reasonable. Another concern is that some of the recent music is a little not so Heimish sounding, including songs with questionable/goyish sources. There is a large part of the community that is very uncomfortable with this music.

Well, we want to work with you because again, we want this to be an enjoyable event, so if there are a few songs that are a tad too wild, we can tone down the music. Also, we can avoid singing songs A B and C.
There are still plenty of songs left to sing.

Thank you for your cooperation. It is a kiddush hashem that you are so accomodating. Apparently, we have the same goals. These new takanos that we have discussed will hopefully become the new gold standard for concerts, so that we will not have to ban future concerts for causing bad behavior. Please continue to be mesamayach frum yidden in an uplifting way.

Shalom Aleichem. Thank you for being open and honest with us.

Shalom Aleichem, Hatzlacha Rabba on the concert!

Shalom al yisroel. end of story!!


At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problam with such a conversation is that assumes (1)the only opposition to concerts are due to genders mingling and 'the type of music'(2)money could be made off a concert with tuned down music and performing.I'm unclear either is the case.

Due to issues like 'miosev letzim & zecher l'curhban' there would be other potential reasons to ban concerts.(Unlike every one else in the blog world)I'm unqualified to coment on those issues but I will note that one of the rabbonim involved in the ban wrote a long piece on concerts in the view of halacha around 5 years ago(in a Torah journal that only B'nei Torah look at-so he was safe from the blogworld attacks).He can't be accused of dreaming up new issurim and never expressing opposition till the Kaniom told him to.

At 4:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your dreams.
Also it was a fundraising concert. Probably mucho dineros per ticket. Hardly entertainment for jewish kids.

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is the great new megapixel plan coming out already???


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