
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

There are lots of things that are just a part of our own subset of cultural norms. Such as, you have to buy a kallah a diamond bracelet, etc- its expected. These things just do not exist in general secular society. Some are good, some not so good. Actually, for the kallah it's quite good - free diamond bracelet. Not so good for the chassan's parents, though. Anyway, the thing that really BUGS me is that pressure to outwardly appear that everything in our lives is perfect and under control. I call it the Matching Outfits Syndrome, because everything is obviously so perfect in our lives that we also have the money, time and energy and organization to pull off matching outfits for all our kids. G'd forbid your kids dont all match, must be a sign that all is not well or chas veshalom you are not geshikt enough to pull it off. I sometimes wish there would be some type of group meeting where other like minded frum women would gather and each would get up and say things like: Hi my name is Devorah and I am not coping. I just had a massive fight with my husband. My teenage son is at risk. My daughter didnt have a clean uniform shirt so I had to pull one out of the dirty laundry hamper this morning. My ten year old has ADHD. I have 12,000 in credit card debt and i just bounced four checks. My kids dont get ready nicely in the morning and the only way to get them ready for school is to promise them chocolate bars for breakfast. We havent eaten vegetables in two weeks. Boy, if we could only get ourselves to speak out, that would take that pressure off- of always having to look perfectly put together and perfectly happy and serene. The world would be a better place.


At 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what friends are for... who else can you rely on??

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea for us to all bind together against social pressure to spend so much money.Where can we meet you Mega,to get this rolling?

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets start here, and see where it leads. Start by posting a couple of ways that you and your life are imperfect. then post an idea where we can cut costs on things...

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start by posting a couple of ways that you and your life are imperfect.

Well for one thing I usually have too much or too little time at work.Too much time has me posting nonsense on blogs, too little leaves me stressed out.

then post an idea where we can cut costs on things..

For starts I'll pick on the usual victims.I am exteremly upset
that the Chasun Takkonos weren't followed.Plus I wish we could be like many Chasidish groups and abolish Bar Mitzvah weekday affairs.

Then I think school tuition should be based on factors like, how much did your kids Simchos cost?where do you go for vacation?which luxury house do you live in?etc.

Then reliable mass transit should be introduced to Lakewood and anything other then a junky local car should be taxed in lieu of some real estate tax.

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The BP weekly is always advertising support groups if you want to join...

At 12:42 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Oh all this...

I'm totally planning on skipping a night affair for my sons Bar Mitzvah and sticking to a simple Kiddush...
I couldnt care less what people think.
Uch so much pride...
People should not being rich...
Who the heck cares?... Just enjoy life!

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, here's what i think.
chasuna takanos - although it didnt work as planned, you still have the option of saying, I am going by the takanos, this way you can cheap out, and still save face about it.

mass transit - uh uh. I am not giving up my freedom to come and go as needed - I am not riding a bus and neither is anyone else I know.

bar mitzvahs - we just made one. so I wanted to keep it simple - sort of like David, but heres the thing. My husband is still reliving the embarrasment of his own bar mitzvah - apparently he had a very well to do class, and his Mom was like david. she made a very nebby bar mitzvah. It bothered him, he was too embarassed to invite his friends. It bothered him so much that by his son's bar mitzva's, he was almost like reliving his own and insisted on making a nice one. SO I had to give in to him alot. It wasnt fancy - just pretty standard.

I think there is plenty of room for compromise. I think people that invite all their friends and colleages to bar mitzvahs are totally overdoing it. In my opinion, only very close relatives and people who have a direct relationship with the bar mitzvah boy should be invited. You dont invite a second cousin who doesnt even know the boy. It should be kept small- and nice.
Besides the money thing, it is also getting a little out of hand - people have simchas to go to every night of the week, and it's just too much. why should your simcha should be someone else's shlep?

I recently went to a second wedding, and it was alot smaller than the usual first wedding. It was so nice! It had everything you really need, and I remember thinking, why cant all weddings be like this?

At 4:00 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

I had the opposite problem. My parents went soo all out for my Bar Mitzva (I'm an only son..) I was embarassed by all the excess.
And my son keeps telling me he doesnt want a Bar Mitzvah at all..
soo the stars are aligned...

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess no one is ever happy. good thing your son and you agree. I hope your wife isnt looking forward to going all out on this or you will be depriving her of a project.


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