IN THE NEWS, last week Scholastic, the company that publishes the Harry Potter books released the cover of the next (final) book. It will be interesting to watch the hype over the next few months.
I would venture to say that this situation is unique; in all of history there has been no such scenario.
For those unfortunate souls out there who are unfamiliar with the phenomenon, this is a series of books which are wildly popular, and for good reason. The story is seven books long, each book is released after a two or three year wait.
The anticipation with each new book is incredible, and now that the last book is to be published, the story will finally end and all the mysteries and secrets will be revealed.
Gazillions of books have been preordered from Amazon for a year already....
Over the past several years, the books have become part of our culture. Movies, tons of websites devoted to discussing and dissecting every and video games. Its unbelievable.
One of my personal heroes is JK Rowling, the author with an amazing imagination. She was a single mother living on welfare in England. She wrote the first book on scraps of paper and napkins in cafe's cuz she couldnt afford better. Using nothing but her talent, she has become one of the wealthiest women in the WORLD, Richer than the QUEEN ofEngland. Her name is a household word and her books are published in tons of languages. She basically "created " an entire (imaginary) world and has enriched the lives of millions of readers-kids and adults, too.
This gem of information has been sited on pretty much every available blank piece of web page out there. But thanks for letting me know I'll be sure to tell Rowling and Co. that they had missed this one. Where would I be without your article?
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