
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Here's something that annoys me. I got the Lakewood Voice this week and they have a simcha page listing all the new babies, bar mitzvahs and weddings. The wedding list goes like this:

Chaim Kohn to the daughter of Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Weiss
Shloimi Friedman to the daughter of Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Goldberg etc.

So what would be so TERRIBLE if they named the Kallah's name. Is anyone going to get turned on by reading a girls name??
Like, there's frum and there's fanatic. Do you think this is really frummer?
And why is the kallah so INSIGNIFICANT that they dont even mention her name?
Is it all about the men?


At 10:25 PM, Blogger ggggg said...

I agree with you 1000% It's about time they stopped being so fanatically farfrumt and start being normal, and stop treating women and girls like pieces of insignificant meat!

At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chill, Woman

At 7:52 AM, Blogger almost_frei said...

give the Yated and other 'frum' papers a month or two.. and they will do the same mishugas!

At 2:36 PM, Blogger The Chainik Hocker said...

But, but, but if the Lakewood Voice starts printing girls' names, who knows what kind of pritzus that could lead to, R"L?

Now put your burka back on and get back to work. Your husband learns very hard and needs your income.

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

almost everyone agrees!
LV - a man of the 2000s with a little bit of a feminist attitude?

yated- how can i chill when this very issue irritates me...

almost -on the scale of frum, frummer frummest, this outfrums them all. and you know everyone is always trying to keep up with the cohens's. so youre right everyone will follow suit.

hocker- the burka, the burka, its not far off, I fear. why cant people stick to the middle of the road without going to extremes. Yes, I see plenty of women looking t0o hot out there, so there is cause for the constant tznius talk. but why break out the burkas? couldnt everyone just stick to halacha and common (Jewish) sense?

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Almost -
The Yated copying a Lakewood rag? I think you have it backwards.

At 11:15 PM, Blogger SemGirl said...

You just realized that now, Mega.. And what about all the other publications. Even the journals at dinners, if a Goy from Kansas, or an extra-terrestrial alien saw them they would think only men live here..

Then again dont want to give too much spotlight to dem der darkies washing the floor, diapering the babies, and making kugel, that would upset the whole balance..

Look what happened when they did away with apartheid in South Africa, would you really want to see such anarchy in Lakewood..

At 8:07 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Thats very strange..
Because even the ultra frum newspapers like of the Edah Chareidis and Belz in Israel have such lists with the kallahs name.

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have names?

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why complain about publications?Many people I know don't sign thier wives names on chasuna/ bar mitzvah invitations just R'Ploni 'vrayusoy'.
(Even worse IMHO is working people like myself who refer to themselves as 'rabbi' on thier kids chasuna/bar mizvah invitations.)

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

true,that always drove me nuts- the woman of the house is running around attending to all the details of wedding, bar mitzvah and on the invitation its Mr. Big shot inviting you to the wedding and oh,yeah also his rayuso.

At 8:30 PM, Blogger ggggg said...

In my family Thank god we don't do the Rayoso thing! we write
Getzel and Shprintze Bloomenfeldwitzsteinenberger

Did you ever notice how in the Torah it says Avraham...and sarah
Yitzchok...and Rivkah
Adam...and Chava
etc. etc.

You get my point!

At 12:06 PM, Blogger yingerman said...

If I put red, unpeeled, washed n' cubed potatos, in my chulent this week, would you say I was wrong?
The magazine's owner(s) for whatever reason deceided that, that's the way they were gonna do it, why take it to heart?
If you you dont like red, unpeeled, washed n' cubed potatos, in your chulent, you don't have to eat it.
Try the kugal.

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly/ Well said. (Mega- That's what I meant when I said, "Chill, Woman.")

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cuz it's a slight against all women!
it's an insult.

At 8:22 AM, Blogger yingerman said...

My dear Mega,
One in only as insulted as one allows oneself to be.

Think 'water off a ducks back'.
I repeat if I choose red potatos over brown am I wrong?
That paper feels it's kol kvodah bas melech not to refer to the kallah's by their first names.
At my work place, I usually refer to the females, as Miss/Mrs Surname. And the males, if older as reb yankel, if younger, just yankel.
Nobody complains.

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lakewood Venter,

Pretty radical on your part to do away with the Mr. and Mrs. (every invitation I've ever seen, Yeshivish or otherwise, starts with Mr. and Mrs. Bloomenfeldetc., not Getzel and Shprintze Bloomenfeldetc.)

For all the rest of us, if the wife is not insulted by the accepted etiquette of saying Mr. and Mrs., why is she insulted
if on the other side of the page it says Getzel varayuso?

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they will see the light, check if they had all info submitted, if they did. they really suck


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