Okay, so no one is interested in my Harry Potter post. What's with you guys? What do you want, another rant about why the yomim tovim are no good? Another tznius argument? Lashon Hara blasting Rabbis? or the all time favorite - Lakewood bashing!!
How about this- a list of my pesach expenditures:
clothing--------------approx. 295.00 (the kiddies-not me)
extra cleaning help----------40.00
Matza- 14 lbs at 18.50 lb ---259.00
first major food shopping-----400.00
husband sent out for more stuff----60.00
husband sent out for even more stuff----35.00
erev shabbos drop in for a "Few things"-----90.00
husband went out for forgotten stuff--------25.00
emergency replacement of pesachdik food processor---------32.00
chol hamoed trips--------------60.00 easy this year - only one trip day
afikomen presents--------------23.00, so far
pizza for after--------------20.00
okay, I know this is nothing compared to some people but dont forget, I am lower middle income (stress on the LOWER)
I see some of the very large families in my neighborhood and I wonder HOW the Heck do they do it? also:
HOw the heck can we have eaten $897.00 WORTH OF FOOD IN 8 DAYS??
and let me add- there are no leftovers!!
where did it all go?
you only spent $20 on the pizza after pesach? not $730 like the guy on ebay? shame on you!
Then I guess I should be very happy..
clean house very quickly... supplies 10$
clean car 5$
repairs on car 100$
Drive to Monsey gas and food for trip and tolls 30$
snacks and trip Chol Hamoed 20$
return home 20$
And the conversation and atmosphere was infinitely better then Lakewood
I spent $20 for the Rov to sell everything
Total $20
Having places to go: Priceless
I feel your pain baby! Pe$ach Hurt$!!! :-)
and now its tax time
at least we got to eat the 897.00 worth of food. with taxes, we have to give it away and kiss it goodbye
raf- in lakewood, it went for 230.00 for benefit of minyan shelanu
sem-- im yirtzeh hashem by you...
david-what about your dream seder, huh- i saw it, it was really great and i laughed but for some reason I cant comment on your blog.
lakevent-- whatever! abi gezunt!
I wish I made enough money to have to pay taxes.
my dream seder happened in my dreams..
what happens when u try to comment?
david- when i type in my username and password it tells me to re do it.
anonymous- keep on chugging...
Mega,Hey do you write the humor colum in The voice of Lakewood?You both talk about the dust not being chometz and spent the same amount of money for pesach food.
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