I was talking to someone who has friends who are marrying off kids and talk to her about the challenges of the whole thing, and she was telling me something quite shocking.
She said nowadays, when asking information about a girl, mothers of boys ask for the girls dress size, and a 4 is pushing the outer limits of acceptability.
Also, they want to know the girl's bra size. ( I dont know what is considered acceptable there)
Could this possibly be where we as a society are headed?
A girl is not a person, but a bunch of measurements? With a bunch of Daddy's dollars in her pocket?
Gd help us all!!!
It could efsher maybe be that a b'ch'isker is makpid efsher on a certain b'ch'a size.
As Bob Grant used to say, " It's sick out there, and getting sicker."
whats the big deal? I think a boy IS entitled to get a physical description of a shidduch suggestion. and if he prefers a skinny girl, so be it.
I find it hard to believe those questions are commenly asked so openly.My guess is that the mother of girls having a hard time with shiduchim for her daughter (like so many others)finds it relieving to blame her problems on society when if fact she is exxaggerating.As far as money is concerned I'm skeptical about that too.Look at all those ads this week for TDLK.Are they helping rich girls?
On another note my sister-in-law who is super yeshivse didn't have children for a while after she got married.She was concerned(based on this 'type' of talk and rumors) that since by the time her oldest was ready for school her husband wasn't in Kollel anymore she would be given a hard time.(She was all preemptivly worked up about this issue)To her suprise when she told the schools adminstration that her husband isn't in kollel anymore but was for 8 years she got more respect from them for it, then from anyone else.Most definitly they didn't give her a hard time.
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