Another One Bites the Dust
I just heard some upsetting news from someone I know who got married less than two years at a very lavish wedding.
The marriage is on the rocks, unfortunately.
Apparently the guy lets his parents push him around, and his parents mix into the marriage to the point that the wife finds it intolerable and the husband doesnt stand up to them.
You may have figured it out by now, but the wife is the one I know. Anyway, this guy is no youngster- certainly old enough to have his parents more in the background, and was also very successful in business, so who knew he was gonna be such a pushover?
Anyway, bottom line, shidduch crisis (they were both older singles) is now going to move on to divorce crisis, and of course- new baby (mazel tov) single mother crisis, and back to the singles scene for both of them.
So What is going on out there? Why is this happening? Why so many failed marriages? SAD!
Good Topic.
In this particular case he probally listens to his parents simply because he agrees with them.
A general rule about divorces is 'The side you knew beforehand is always right...'
berel i think it's a good topic too but apparently me and you are the only ones who do!
maybe true about agreeing with parents, but he should still consider his new wife's opinions and feelings.
anyway, i wonder is the divorce rate up cuz people are being more unreasonable nowadays, or did people always tolerate extremely unhappy marriages, but people didnt even contemplate divorce back then.
Two factors that may have affected the growing divorce rate would be (1)people are in more materialistic then in the '70s(2)people seem to be emotionly weaker and therefore less caplable /willing to deal with bad marraiges.
I also question did the divorce rate really grow so much?When I was a kid (in the '70-'80s)I and all my siblings always had the one divorced family kid in the class and on the block.OTOH none of my children have any divorced family children in their classes.Perhaps nowadays people get divorce prior to having children.
On another note.Although I agree with you that of course the husband should take his wifes feelings into consideration even over his parents (unless his wife is being outrageous or very selfish),now that I'm in my low thirties and far from a newlywed I've come to identify more INLAWS hurt feelings.Someyoung couples (1)feel so strongly that their inlaws shouldn't tell them what to do that and (2)don't relate to how a someone in thier 50s or 60s feel about certain issues they act very incosiderate manner.
Of course I remain vehemently opposed to unsolicited inlaw interferance.
There are 3 sides to every divorce.. His, hers and THE TRUTH...
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