My two and a half year old is so funny! She talks a lot for her age and says the funniest things. She put on her pajamas and then came over and asked me, "Can you snapple this?"
She told me that her sister is crabby. (cwabby)
Anyway, I was talking to some other mothers and they asked me what playgroup she is going to next year. I dont know, I have to think about it, I answered.
WHAT??? You'd better call today or you wont be able to get her in where you want her, I was told.
So I quickly called the local 3 year old Morah where I sent my other kids, and registered her. Lucky for me, she kept some slots open for siblings, and since my older kids went there, were IN! woohoo!
So that's one thing off my mind.
But HELLO? it's a full year in advance! I barely know what I am going to be doing a few hours in advance. I am a pretty fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants (or skirt) kind of person, so planning anything this far in advance is foreign to me.
I don't have a retirement fund, or savings account for my kids' weddings.
Heck, I dont even have a savings account! Well I did try that once, but it got depleted.
This school thing is a real challenge for me lately, it seems. A couple of years ago I had to get my daughter into Primary. That was pretty heartbreaking, let me tell you. I was one of those people who couldnt get in, even though we do everything "right" -white shirts, formerly kollel etc. (Everyone hates me!) The next year I had to choose a ninth grade, and this year I have to choose a 3 year old playgroup and another ninth grade for the Bar Mitzvah boy.
Decisions, decisions. and I cant usually decide what to drink with my pizza! I stand in front of the fridge, thinking it through...
One of the advantages of living in our 'out of town' community is that mostly, our kids are in the same school system throughout their schooling. We don't have to do the whole application thing until yeshiva & seminary.
"One of the advantages of living in our 'out of town' community is that mostly, our kids are in the same school system throughout their schooling. We don't have to do the whole application thing until yeshiva & seminary"
So you mean you would rather be stuck without any choices rather than to be forced to make a decision?
We actually do have choices. My point is that we aren't forced to.
"Forced" to do what? Decide???
For the schools in Lakewood that no one wants to send their children to you also have a choice.I personally would love to leave Lakewood as(1)I would want to be part of a smaller community (2)the commute to and from work is making me crazy.The reasons I stay is (1)everyone I know is in Lakewood and there are few other communities with young yeshivshe people (2)I would prefer my children go to a Lakewod school(3)my salary can't afford most communities out of Lakewood.If 150 young yeshivshe families would move to some other comunity in the metro area I would join with pleasure.
Been there. Done that.
The whole out-of-town thing is, in my experience - overrated.
The three out of town commmunities that I had experience with are full of petty politics, power struggles, and mediocre mosdos run by incompetent administrators who would never have gotten their positions in "in-town" mosdos.
I'm happy to be back in Lakewood where I have a choice among (IMHO) the best mosdos in the country.
berel- what about waterbury ct.?
sounds more affordable. I feel bad for the real young couples starting out today (in Lakewood). You cant get a house for a decent amt, and the living standards have gone up so much lately. the only thing that keeps me from total financial failure is that I bh bought a house when it was cheap.
but you cant do that anymore.
last anon- interesting point. i am always saying I am moving out of town... But as far as lakewood mosdos being the best - not gonna do you any good if they dont accept you, is it? I didnt exactly have any choices. It came down to the one school that accepted my daughter, and that one hadnt even been on my list! (although bh so far working out great)
"It came down to the one school that accepted my daughter, and that one hadnt even been on my list! (although bh so far working out great)"
That's my point, even your last choice in Lakewood was probably closer to making you happy than your first choice out of town. We are truly spoiled!
As far as Waterbury is concerned, the home prices may be slightly lower 100-150k lower than Lakewood, but the Parnosa options that far away from civilization are limited for frum people.
What I was saying was that while we have choices, we also have the option of keeping our kids (girls)in the same school through 12th grade. I can choose to change, but I'm not forced to.
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