
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Some garbage can thoughts

For those of you not living in Lakewood, here every house gets a big trash bin with wheels on it from the township which you fill up all week. On trash day you roll it out to the curb and the garbage truck, which says in bold letters "GIVE your trash a second chance" comes and a robotic arm comes down picks up the whole thing and tips it into the truck.
SO anyway, if one is not enough, you need to order more of those bins, and you have to put down a deposit of $40.00 which you get back if you return the bin. I have one bin, but it is jam packed come garbage day, and if g-d forbid we forget to put it out, we are in big trouble cuz the thing will roast in the hot sun for another week till they come get it and we have nowhere to put our new garbage so it kind of piles up in my hallway. Yuck. Or if it is yom tov or another special occasion that produces more trash we kind of run out of space and I am forced to peek in my neighbors trash cans to see if they have extra space. This I do at night so no one sees.
SOme of the larger families on my block have THREE bins - I mean very large families -10 kids and up. And that's plenty. But I was doing some power walking in the evenings and there's a one family house I pass by that has FIVE trash bins out front !!! I know they dont have tenants cuz in that neighborhood none of them do. And I dont think they have a huge family. SO what are they possibly doing that is generating THAT much garbage?
And dont go telling me I am a yenta and it's none of my business, because if you tell me you are not curious about what goes on by other people you are not being completely honest.


At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its the latest status symbol. Two new cars in the driveway and five garbage cans.

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Rafi G. said...

anon - that is a funny comment!!

Americans lead the world in waste. That is for sure.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your going to be a yenta I can think of better things to yent and wonder about then other peoples garbage, but anyway you seem to be describing a family who that(a) possibly has some sort of home office that genarates a lot of trash or (b)they bought a bunch of cans for some simcho and never bothered giving it back because they are waiting for the next one

At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to chill out. Seriously...
Giving you the benefit of the doubt you seem to (a) possibly have some sort of issue that generates a lot of trash that causes you to be somewhat anal retentive or (b) bought a bunch of cans (of beer) for some simcha and never bothered to get sober before posting that inane comment.

At 9:53 AM, Blogger ggggg said...

wow, that IS an awful lot of garbage. Perhaps they are lazy to take it the curb every week, so they fill up five cans and take it out once a month! How is that for being Dan L'Kaf zchus, Yenta? lol

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nura bei planyah...

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon- FUnny!!

rafi - what are you - an environmentalist?
do you think us Jews have more trash than others cuz we use so much paper plates and the dreaded plastic shabbos tablecloths, etc.?

berel - i still dont know what got anonymous upset about your comments - they seem very logical to me

lakevent - calling someone too lazy to take out the trash more than once a month hardly constitutes dan lcaf zchus in my opinion.anyway it would reek.

anon - being a girl i dont speak aramaic what does that mean?

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nura bei planyah literlly means there is (constantly)a fire in someones house.The Chofetz Chaim (based on the Gemorah)uses it as an example of a comment with two possible meanings that may only be said under circumstances that it won't be understood or used negitivly(i.e. they are big time fressers, so they are always have fire for cooking OR they are always cooking for guests).

Seeing the way Berel got bashed for his explanation why someone would have 5 garbage cans (and other comments)I felt it apropriate to mention that halacha here.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So your the one putting stuff in my dumpster all the time. That happens to be geneiva. Just ask next time..

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude - anonymous- how is that geneiva? it's township property!!!

At 1:50 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

i remember the days when I had 5 garbages..
I'm definitely a "has bin"

i know, that was baddd

My grandfather stayed at my house a few weeks and he noted that you could fit an entire years worth of garbagefrom his house in one of those bins..

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mega... I pay per each dumpster after the first, so when other ppl put a lot of stuff in, it adds to my bill..

if its only a lil bag Im mochil,...

At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon- you do not pay for the dumpster - you put down a deposit which you will eventually get back when you move. THis is just so that you take care of it.
it does not cost you more if a couple of times a year, someone puts a bag in there on garbage day if there is a little extra space there. if you had a tenant who regularly did it, you would need to get a new one, so it would cost you just the deposit and you still wouldnt own it so it would not be geneivah.


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