
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Well, who knew we were so important? It looks like us Lakewood shleppers are on the political map. As we speak, Hillary Clinton is in town at a fundraiser arranged by David Lichtenstein and some other of his ilk. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???
I hate Hillary! for lots of good reasons. If you go to
you'll see a nice list of donations made by various big businessmen in town, mostly to Hillary's campaign, including Aaron Kotler, and someone named Janice Kotler who I assume is his wife.
I must say I dont have a lot of faith in the yeshiva's endorsements at all. Consider:
Jim McGreevey, "gay american" who puts his gay lover in charge of SECURITY post 9-11.
Jon Corzine, speeding, non-seatbelt-wearing, tax and spend democrat who raised sales taxes twice that I know of, and passed all kinds of stupid frivolous laws that harass hard working citizens.
Now they are bringing that horrible goyta into their home!
At least when I bring a nochris into MY home, I know exactly what to do with her- I hand her a shmatta and some Mr. Clean.

I wonder what the real reason is -why do they support her?


At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx for the link.
The list is takeh disgusting.
Why do people feel that they must give thousands of dollars to a campaign at all, let alone Hillary's? Do they think they are saving the world or something?
Why did only 1 person, Dr. Roberts give to Guliani? Is he the only one with principles in 08701?

At 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the reason they supported her is two fold.
1- On a macro level, it's important to show politicians that the Orthodox community can raise cash (the lifeblood of any campaign). This will help us frum yidden when we try to sway votes for Israel and other important issues.
2- Locally (Lakewood) speaking, it was important for Corzine to be able to orchestrate this for the benefit of Hillary. It riases his stature. The payback will be his continuing to support funding for local mosdos.
Anyone who has a problem with this, simply does not understand the dynamics of how the world is run, and actually thinks that what the man or women on the 'street' thinks, really matters. Unfortunately it doesn't. BMG leaders who asked Lichtenstein to host this event know where our community interests lay. Hats (black and otherwise) off to them!

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yated- weird, huh? so who are you voting for?

I love Giuliani- he is great as a leader and he is tough about national security which is, I think, a key issue, plus I saw him in real life and he is cute! but he is far from perfect as a person, and I always felt that a president's personal behavior should be beyond reproach.
so I am not so sure.

GREAT READ = "Leadership" by Rudy Giuliani.

anon - "know where our community interests lay" what is the community if not individual people that make up the community.
It seems to me that what BMG does is to benefit BMG, not the "community"
I agree BMG is important, but still... I am important too.
PS you sound a little cynical

At 12:45 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

They support her because they like I do..and others..
This is America...people can make their own decisions..with being looked down upon..

Why is that so hard for you and all the other small minded, intolerant hoardes to understand??

I was sitting reading some comments on yeshiva world..and I'm actually be frum..

Anything which was not spoon fed into their brains by The Jewish Press and Sean attacked and not tolerated...

Its sickening..

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David - I am not intolerant, or small minded. I just can't imagine anyone really liking her as a candidate, so there must be ulterior motives.
I am surprised at you, didnt think you were such a lefty. maybe you'd better stick to writing poetry...

At 5:53 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

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At 5:54 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

(fyi..I probably will not vote for her and my comment really has nothing to do with has to do with you and most other frum peoples attitudes..)

There you go again..diplaying your intolerance..
"I'm surprised at you..."
Thats intolerance and small mindedness at their passive aggressive best..

Perhaps you should move to Iran where people are more forcefully told how to vote and think.

One of the most basic and fundamental cornerstones of any free society is the ability to respect the next person even if he or she doesnt agree with you. don't have to see eye to eye, nor even attempt to see the other side but you have to respect the other person..and to tolerate them..

Perhaps that's too abstract (like poetry) for you to comprehend...maybe you ought to stick to tiling kitchen walls.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're talking like a true democrat and contradicting yourself Hillary style. Your opinion is naturaly an open minded one, but those who think otherwise and don't like Hillary are closed minded and not thinking for themselves. Sheesh!

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for me, Giuliani it will be!

At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am not cynical... i was and am sincere about my comment.

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Megapixel, why do you "hate Hillary"?

At 9:05 AM, Blogger SemGirl said...

Mega I probably hate Hillary more then you do, however I am starting to realize that much of the Lakewood infrastructure that poor shleps like you and me benefit from is paid for the wheeling and dealing of BMG inc...

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They support her because they like I do..and others.."

We all know that Hilary short for hilarious is anti Jews & pro Arab, so you should be embarrassed of your self.

I was sitting reading some comments on yeshiva world..and I'm actually be frum..

Which school did you attend, belz? did they not teach spelling? EMBARR"ASS"ED

Why is that so hard for you and all the other small minded, intolerant hoardes "hoards" to understand??


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I also came to the same realization as you.I regret the type of antiBMG/Vaad etc. talk I used to parrot as a 'smart-know it all' single girl.

More importantly I had major complications from a pregnancy and needed major help dealing with hospital beurocracies etc.Without the help I got from the Vaad and BMG(R' Malkiel)I don't know if I would have made it.And no my husband isn't in Kollel.I could go on in how much they helped me but I'm scared of giving away who I am.But as they taught in BY 'Boz Ldover Y'cavel Lo'.Please learn from my experiences before you bash BMG/the Vaad so easily.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

split pea..
I guess that would make me an anti-jew from Belz with high blood pressure.

Pass the borsht..

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought u & mega had a nice relationship, always seem to be on the same page in politics

At 7:54 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

I said it once..and I'll say it again..

This is not about politics..
Its about respecting other views.
Not dehumanizing other people to make it easier to stomp on them.
To mind your own business and let other people think differently than you do no matter how it is for you to "comprehend".

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone gets so riled up when bashing Lakewood polotics.A few years ago when I was out of a job I considered running for office in Lakewood as the antivaad candidate.I knew that all I would have to do is bash the Vaad etc. make a few false promises of lowering taxes and persto I would be an instant celebrity,hero, Teyoles Harabbim guy instead of an unemployed loafer (Officially I worked in sales)Bottom line was my conscience didn't allow me to be a rabble rouser but the rabble who I broached the idea to all assured me their support.In retrospect I'm amazed as to how niave the rabble who wanted me to run were.I suspect that also wouldn't of really wanted me to win but figured that since it's my neck not thiers on the line why not have some fun and cause some machlokes on my and the vaads expense.

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

david- I expressed surprise at your opinion, I didnt come down to your house and burn it down!!
we are allowed to disagree (strongly) that's not called intolerance.

Okay, re the powers that be at BMG knowing what they are doing, I HOPE it's true. (If there IS, they are sure keeping it to themselves.)
that is why I ended my post with 'wonder what the real reason is" I was kind of being dan lecaf zechus that there is a legit reason.

by the way, can you guys who are signing on as anonymous give some kind of name? it would make things less confusing. something, anything, even split pea would do.


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