
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Wow! its been a long time since I've done this, but with yomtov, school starting (remember that?) and bar mitzva-ing my son, I have been busy.

One morning last week I turned on the faucet to the milchig sink and lo and behold -no water! the hose did work however, and believe me you get used to that water flowing out, and its a royal pain in the neck when it aint there. So every time we needed the sink, we had to get water from the hose. and no one bothered to close the faucet since nothing was coming out anyway.

so my husband, who could be a little neurotic tells me to make sure to keep it closed cuz one day when the water starts again, it might make a flood if no one is home to turn it off. so i laughed at him and told him that it isnt going to get fixed until we spend some of our green stuff on it.
My husband is always telling me that he is blessed with special siyata dishmaya, and I should always listen to him...i just roll my eyes.
SO a few days later, the sink randomly starts working again!!!
The husband is busy patting himself on the back and telling me he knew all along it was going to start again. It worked for a day and then was off for three. Now it's on again.
It seems that my belongings are following the lead of my kids - they only listen to me when they feel like it.
The same with the vacuum cleaner. Very often, while I am using it, it just stops! I have to leave it alone and some time later it starts working again. What the heck is going on??


At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you forget to say Mashiv Haruach u'Morid Hageshem?

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mazel tov on your sons Bar Mitzvah.

Are ther any any mechanocs out there who can explain why some appliances sometimes work but sometimes don't.A broken tire never fixes itself.My guess is tat something has to 'catch'.sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't.

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 1 - yeah, i probably did. good point

anon 2
thanks for the good wishes. sometimes my car makes this horrible screeching sound and sometimes it doesnt. and I think I just gave away my anonymousity! you can hear me coming for blocks.

At 6:22 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Mazel Tov

At 6:34 AM, Blogger ggggg said...

Mazel tov!!!!

At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"sometimes my car makes this horrible screeching sound and sometimes it doesnt. and I think I just gave away my anonymousity!"

ANONYMOUSITY??? Great word!!!

Your car sounds like my wife, sometimes she screeches for no apparent reason but usually she's perfectly reasonable!

Oops! I think I just gave away my anonymousity!

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon- if I had to deal with intermittent screeching in a wife or intermittent screeching in a car I would choose the car every time.
and I think your anonymousity is still intact. wives have been known to get upset and their husbands are clueless as to why...


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