
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Did anyone notice that there are alot of contradictions in our way of life here.
for example:
Girls should get married at 19 and
Girls should have the ability to support husband/family.

Most mothers have to work either to support family or supplement husband's income.
and schools insist on sending the kids home all the time, such as on a fast day, which is totally unjustified, thereby complicating things for parents who are at work because their bosses dont give them off at 12:00 just cuz it's a fast day.

Men should learn in kollel for alot of years, and
be able to pay tuitions for and support large families.

Men should learn in kollel for alot of years, and
be able to pay tuitions for and support large families and
send daughters to Israel for two grand and
marry them off the next year in fine style and
support them for the next bunch of years and
do it again for their next kid and
their next kid and
their next kid...


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Some of your contridictions aren't true.(e.g.)Those who advocate long term learning don't believe in marrying off daughters in style or even seminary in EY.To give a cute example Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky was asked two years ago by the Agudah convention what to do about he 'problem' of how expensive sem in EY is.His response was 'I don't see the problem.So don't send your daughter.There good semenaries in America also'Most of the impetus for sem in EY comes fron the girls themselves not their parents or society.

As far most of your points it reminds of what my teacher used to say 'Only the very rich and the very poor can afford sem in EY'Now that I'm married I see that the 'only the very rich and poor cliche' extends to many areas of life which explains why we expect many of the expectations you wonder about


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