
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I kept thinking of different things to write about and then forgetting.
So in the meantime, before I get back to my incisive commentary and stuff, I just wanted to get some opinions - I mean is this totally gross or is it just me?
I had a Shabbos guest stay over til Sunday morning and she came out and asked me if she could use one of my toothbrushes. (from the toothbrush holder in the bathroom)
Of course I told her NO WAY. and then she asked real innocently "why, do you each have your own toothbrush and are makpid not to share?"
double eeeeeeeeewwwwww!
I told her that was so disgusting, I dont know what happened to her in her youth that she didnt realize that
Maybe I should call her MOM and tell! I happen to know her Mom is a germ freak who washes her hands with soap every five minutes.
How's that for gross?


At 6:34 AM, Blogger Rafi G. said...


At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So gross. I would much prefer seeing your incisive comments then this.But (1)be happy that she at least asked(2)perhaps in other societies/countries it isn't considered unacceptable(3)it sounds odd that the type of person appreciates hygiene enough to brushe their teeth regualrly would want to borrow someone elses toothbrush and not bring their own

At 8:20 AM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

Thats bad..
I have no problem using a cup that someone else used..


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