Maybe someone can clarify this for me, I have been wondering for a while now. (not steadily 24/7 but on and off)
Most Ashkenazim, like myself are loathe to buy German goods, especially big ticket items like cars, etc.
Yet Sephardim are always driving around in German cars and every driveway in Deal has a couple of 'em.
I know they werent as affected by the Nazis,
but still-
don't they care about us?
Like six million of their "cousins" were killed and they are not "affected" ?
If anyone knows, I would like an explanation.
The only explanation I have is ever since Israel took all that money and subsidies from the German government way back when, Almost all buses and many trucks in Israel are Mercedes and other German companies. That pretty much broke the stigma. It could be that the sfardim just got used to Jews buying Mercedes, and they began to do so even in America. While maybe the ashkenazim still prefer not to because we were more directly affected and therefore Israel's acceptance of subsidies from Germany did not break the stigma as much by us.
Just a thought
I really dont get why ashkenazim dont buy german products...
It just seems so silly to me..
I'm opposed to buying German produdts but not with a vengance.I was taken aback however to see a certain Frum store ADVERTISE that most of their products were made in Germany.
Those that don't buy German products aren't doing it to punish the Germans. It's just a feeling. It's hard to own something produced by a country that caused them so much suffering.
Sefardim never stopped buying German products..not because they don't care about their cousins...but because they just don't have that 'feeling'...
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