A purposeful Rant at my neighbor
or why are some people so nasty?
Here's the sitch. Since the weather got nice, the boys on my street from around ages 7 -13 have been gathering on an empty lot near my house and playing baseball after school.
This is great, because
a: they are involved in outdoor physical activity which is good for their health and well being especially since these kids are in school till about 4:30.
b: they are not playing on the computer which they have been doing too much of lately.
c: ALL the kids are involved and are getting along great which is really nice to see. (even the kids that are no good get to play)
d: it's FREE.
e: nobody is nudging their mothers as long as they are out there.
f: nobody is fighting with siblings etc. as long as they are out there.
So every time I see them I get a little nachas.
So far, nothing negative, right? So you wonder how long it will last. AS you know, around here every time there is something good and positive some jerk has to come ruin it.
It only took till a couple of days ago, for the guy whose house is right next door to the lot to kill the joy...
He came out and yelled at the kids and told them they cant play there anymore.
Mainly cuz he keeps his (old shmatta 1990) car parked ON THE STREET in front of that lot, and he doesnt want the ball to hit his car and break a window, I guess.
I have been seething about this for the past three days. WHY does this jerk have to ruin the fun for a bunch of kids? He can easily park his car elsewhere - it's not one of those streets where parking is at a premium. There are plenty of placed to park, including his own driveway.
This guy has a few daughters. Wait till he has sons who need to get out there and play. How would he like it if someone came along and ruined their game?
(dont want to confront him cuz we sort of get along with them and I dont want to ruin our relationship)
Can't you explain the situation to him nicely?If you are on such great terms with him I'm sure he is the type of guy who would understand.
not on such great terms. more like civil terms. and he is so uptight, you could see waves of uptightness streaming off him. so i dont think he would respond well to me. it would just make him mad and I dont want it to damage my relationship with his wife.
Such a shame! Well, maybe with kids being kids they won't listen....
who are you to call my classic..a shamatte!
tr8-yeah, hopefully
dave-okay, okay classic. but would you mind parking it across the street so the kinderlach could play?
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