
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I left something critical out of my last post, re the creative taxes. KUDOS to *sort-of Governor David Paterson, who wants to put an obesity tax on soda of the non-diet variety. You know that a tax on donuts is next. Then candy bars... There is no end to where this one can go, what with all the delicious fat laden foods out there. What a genius. Imagine how much this could fill their coffers...
For the record, I never eat or buy anything DIET, cuz I am of the opinion that I would rather eat sugar - a known "enemy" which after all is a natural product, than aspartame or any of the other sugar substitutes ,(and we dont fully know the long term effects of these) which after a few years on the market, always end up being found to cause cancer or other nasty diseases.

*by sort of Governor, I am referring to the fact that nobody actually elected this guy as their Governor. Which brings me to another ironic thought. Here we have a Sort of Governor in the position of appointing a sort of Senator. I wonder how often such a scenario has happened in history. My opinion, he will probably appoint Caroline Kennedy, who although she seems like a nice lady - based on the fact that every time I see a picture of her, she is smiling- is outdoing even Hillary in her carpetbagging shtick; going from average citizen to a Senator in one easy jump without **even having to endure the rigors of a campaign. A least our buddy Hillary was elected by the people of NY state in a legitimate election.

** I am aware that this is a run on sentence.


At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What really gets on my nerves is reading about Bloomberg forcing his way to a third term on the claim that he is such a 'fiscal genius' New Yorkers just need him.Meanwhile I haven't seen him do a single creative thing to save New Yorkers money.He definitly didn't cut any waste.Plus if he really thinks he so indispensible why does he have to spend one hundered million dollars to convince everyone else of that?

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloomberg! He's only running as a public service.He doesn't even care if he wins, he just wants the democratic process to play out...


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