
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I was talking to someone about an issue which really concerns me, that I mentioned in an earlier post and that is general idea of the government really getting in our personal space. The example of the chip being installed in people's car so they can track mileage and then tax us on it is very insidious to me. It starts with being about taxes, but it is really about keeping track of where we go and what we do. They can probably also generate a ticket if a car speeds or goes thru a traffic light etc. This is very scary and why am I the only one who finds this horrific. The person I was talking to said she heard that they want to put a chip in EVERY PERSON (like under the skin) so they can track us! what are they going to do, tax us on every breath of air we take? CAN THIS POSSIBLY BE TRUE???? WHY IS THERE NO OUTCRY??? THis sounds like something out of a horrible science fiction book. Also a total infringement of our personal liberties. The founding fathers would roll over in their graves!!


At 10:38 AM, Blogger almost_frei said...

there is no outcry because it's totally untrue. The govt will never do anything like that. Don't believe any of these conspiracy rumors going around.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger SemGirl said...

AF is right, but its really ashame though. There should be a chip in the car that takes video of everything, so that I dont know, if a driver in a black hat passes you on the right with 4 inches of snow on the ground, and nearly hits a child, they have a record of it, and for starters take away his driving priviledges for 10 years.,...

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so that I dont know, if a driver in a black hat passes you on the right with 4 inches of snow on the ground, and nearly hits a child

Spoken like a true anti-semite.

And allow me to stress I drive very carefully.BTW, What is your driving record Semgirl?


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