
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Is anyone still out there?

It's been a long time since I gave this blog any thought. Busy times...
Well, the long stretch of Yomim Tovim are over, it was fun while it lasted.
Every time I turned around it was time to do the cooking again. I think I am gefilta fished out,
and also setting the table, clearing, washing dishes.

The thing I always say about Yom Tov is that when all the work is done, you want to at least have something to show for it, but after Yomtov is over, the house is a flying mess, and dirty, too. You need to clean the house again from top to bottom, laundry is overflowing...

On the literature front, I have been re-reading the Little House on the Prairie books, because my daughter is now old enough to read them so I have been taking them out of the library for her.
The last time I read them was when I was a kid.

I am really enjoying them-more now than last time, but from a completely different perspective, of course.
(these books follow the story of a frontier family, written by one of the daughters)

These people were amazing - they hadvery little and worked very hard - made everything themselves, yet they seem to have been very cheerful and always in a good mood - at least that is the way she portrays them.

I think reading them has put me in a good frame of mind. Especially as I throw another roll of prepared, frozen gefilte fish in the pot for another shabbos. I think of this woman who had to first catch the fish, then clean it, then cook it.

Recommended reading for men and women. (you can pretend you are taking them out for your kids!!)

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