
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I have a son who is one of those kids who just talk and talk and talk and talk. So usually I just tune him out. But every once in a while when I do tune in, I am always amazed that he is really saying intelligent stuff.(!) Then I tune out again.
One day he was doing his talking thing and then suddenly tells me "Ma I have a big problem. I like to talk, but I am all out of things to say."

It was funny in a weird kind of way. I mean for 10 years he has been talking nonstop and suddenly on this particluar day he just finished saying all the things he needs to say and he is done!

SO in a weird way, right nowI suddenly have nothing on my mind to blog about, but I got tired of seeing that last post there for so long, so I wanted to change it.

I did want to quickly mention that the weather is gorgeous so I hope everyone goes out there and enjoys it!
I went for a drive today and we passed a farm with some horses. My baby who is two years old suddenly pipes up, "I see an elephant." So she's mixed up her horses and her elephants. Hopefully she'll outgrow it, but not too soon. It's just too cute.

Oh yeah, just thought of something.

ALL this shidduch crisis talk. How about doing something practical. I will describe a guy I know and if you know any appropriate girls, comment and let's see if anything comes of it.

religion: frum yeshiva background, yeshivas, BMG. black hat, blue shirt,
marital status: Divorced with one child who lives with her mother.
personality: nice guy, funny, generous, a little wacky (in a good way), very actively involved in helping people, people person, youthful attitude.
stats: 37, nice looks, 5' 9",
currently working and is successful at his career.
comes from great family
is looking for a girl who will appreciate him for what he is and is capable of having a good time chilled out- Not a kvetch. Nice looking and makes an effort to look good.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Having kids is like going to Great Adventures.

You wait on line for an hour and a half, for a ride that lasts two minutes.
When you have kids, most of the time you are dealing with the tough stuff and every once in a while you have two minutes of nachas.

While this sounds like one of those sayings that get emailed around, it was actually thought up by yours truly.

I sometimes think about this, especially when I am having a rough time with the kids and tend to get down in the dumps about my (not) success.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Okay, so no one is interested in my Harry Potter post. What's with you guys? What do you want, another rant about why the yomim tovim are no good? Another tznius argument? Lashon Hara blasting Rabbis? or the all time favorite - Lakewood bashing!!

How about this- a list of my pesach expenditures:
clothing--------------approx. 295.00 (the kiddies-not me)
extra cleaning help----------40.00
Matza- 14 lbs at 18.50 lb ---259.00
first major food shopping-----400.00
husband sent out for more stuff----60.00
husband sent out for even more stuff----35.00
erev shabbos drop in for a "Few things"-----90.00
husband went out for forgotten stuff--------25.00
emergency replacement of pesachdik food processor---------32.00
chol hamoed trips--------------60.00 easy this year - only one trip day
afikomen presents--------------23.00, so far
pizza for after--------------20.00

okay, I know this is nothing compared to some people but dont forget, I am lower middle income (stress on the LOWER)
I see some of the very large families in my neighborhood and I wonder HOW the Heck do they do it? also:
HOw the heck can we have eaten $897.00 WORTH OF FOOD IN 8 DAYS??
and let me add- there are no leftovers!!
where did it all go?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

IN THE NEWS, last week Scholastic, the company that publishes the Harry Potter books released the cover of the next (final) book. It will be interesting to watch the hype over the next few months.
I would venture to say that this situation is unique; in all of history there has been no such scenario.
For those unfortunate souls out there who are unfamiliar with the phenomenon, this is a series of books which are wildly popular, and for good reason. The story is seven books long, each book is released after a two or three year wait.
The anticipation with each new book is incredible, and now that the last book is to be published, the story will finally end and all the mysteries and secrets will be revealed.
Gazillions of books have been preordered from Amazon for a year already....

Over the past several years, the books have become part of our culture. Movies, tons of websites devoted to discussing and dissecting every and video games. Its unbelievable.

One of my personal heroes is JK Rowling, the author with an amazing imagination. She was a single mother living on welfare in England. She wrote the first book on scraps of paper and napkins in cafe's cuz she couldnt afford better. Using nothing but her talent, she has become one of the wealthiest women in the WORLD, Richer than the QUEEN ofEngland. Her name is a household word and her books are published in tons of languages. She basically "created " an entire (imaginary) world and has enriched the lives of millions of readers-kids and adults, too.

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