
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Some people dont always realize that when they are having a cell phone conversation, they tend to talk loud - kind of like people who are wearing headphones and start to sing are singing very loud.

The other day I was in line at WalMart and this yeshiva guy (BMG) was ahead of me on line. He was talking very loud throughout the whole transaction, and thanks to that I now know two interesting things about this complete stranger:

1- He doesnt want to start dating yet. He wants to learn one whole zman in yeshiva first and THEN start dating.
2- He prefers boxers, the kind with Superhero comics printed on them

See -you never know what juicy tidbits you'll find out about people, if only you are alert...

Monday, May 12, 2008

I have been kind of down in the dumps, due to the fact that I have not been having alot of success lately in various aspects of my life.
Business (sales are really quiet now) so in the next couple of months I will have zero income.
Kids - I feel like I have lost control and they are acting up, and two of them are doing, like, NOTHING in school despite the fact that one is of quite average ability and the other is very very bright and very capable, so it is very disappointing to me, and I have no idea what to do with them to make things change...
Also the economy is bad, all the food prices have gone up so shopping is disappointing...
I need some repairs done on my house and dont really have the money for it...
Next school year my expenses will go up by a few hundred dollars a month, and I have no idea how I will cover that, since I am not really covering my tuition this year. My pizza bagels just burnt. And on top of it all I keep reminding myself that everyone is healthy BH and I have no excuse to be down. So I feel really guilty about it.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

my husband and i have a running argument and as a result of it he doesnt ever buy me gifts or jewelry.

He says: if he buys me jewelry, he should buy what he likes and I should wear it regardless because he bought if for me and as such, it has special meaning.

I say: if he is buying me a gift, obviously he wants me to be happy, then he should buy what I like, and since I am kind of specific in my taste, let me pick out what I want. Why waste money and get me a gift I will hate, but feel obligated to wear ? I dont want to be in a position to have to insult him by giving it back or not wearing it.
All it means is that the gift is a ego trip for him, not an attempt to make me happy.
(the perfect solution:my brother in law buys his wife jewelry and tells her that if she doesnt like it she should exchange it. That way she is happy.)

since we are always arguing this point, he has basically stopped buying me gifts. which is fine by me, cuz i got really tired of trying to tell him politely that I hate what he got me. and I really cant get myself to wear it anyway. so it just brought me aggravation.


pesach spending update: chol hamoed trips about 100.00 (mostly gasoline to get places) additional shopping trips on chol hamoed about $50-$60 per trip big grocery shopping for second days $165.00 2 extra pounds of matza $38.00 and last but not least - restocking the house after pesach - $150.00 and there's still "nothing to eat". once again we managed to consume about $800.00 worth of food in ONE WEEK. It sounds crazy, doesnt it?

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