
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Friday, November 21, 2008

My three year old daughter insists on dressing herself. SHe was putting on her dress this morning and I tell her - I think you should take of your pajama top first.

She looks at me and says- "Good point!"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

more kid stuff

Me, singing: I believe I can fly...

three year old daughter, with a look of amazement: YOU CAN FLY???!!!?!! Are you a bunny


... And this is my smart one...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I just saw a great article on AOL. When asked whether he would support legislation regarding "saggy pants" Obama said he would focus on other more important stuff and not waste time with that. He did add, and I quote,
"I think brothers SHOULD pull up their pants."
and I paraphrase, "you walk past your mother and grandmother and they dont want to see your underwear. Show some respect. I dont want to see your underwear."

SO maybe... that nasty trend will go away.

and now, my opinion on the matter. I actually agree with Obama!! (Yikes - that's scary).
I dont think there should be laws about that. I do think that schools can have rules about saggy pants, and commercial establishments as well. as in NO shirt, No shoes , NO SERVICE. NO Heelies, No roller blades, NO Saggy Pants in store. The govt should stay out of it. But brothers SHOULD pull up their pants!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In response to the result of the elections, I have this to say: I dont want to hear another word from the black community about racism. As we all know, there are not enough black people to swing a national election, so clearly it was the white folks that elected him en masse. Therefore I think we can all agree that we as a country have gotten to the point that we chose a black person as a leader. Also I am struck by how successful the racial equality movement has been. In the nineteen fifties and sixties, they were drinking from separate fountains and sitting at the back of the bus, and now, fifty years later, America elected a black president!! Kudos to the American people. My only regrets of course, is that the black person who was chosen, in my opinion doesnt really have the qualifications, and I dont like his politics at all. The results of the elections also saddens me because a- it seems that overwhelmingly, the people do not appreciate the great system we have had - capitalism. They seem to want to be taken care of by the govt, and give up the option of taking care of themselves. Either that, or they are just not thinking. Which means they are voting either based on race, which is not a good enough reason to vote for someone. Sometimes I think people have mixed up the presidential campaign with the American Idol contest - a popularity contest. I do admit - I probably would've also voted for Obama in that kind of contest.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Raising teenagers

THis is a newish phase for me. I have two young teenage boys and they can crack me up and make me spew steam from my ears at the same time.

SO my older one- very difficult, always has been, partly because he is very cute and charming and thinks he can charm his way through life and the rules dont apply to him.

I was giving him a little talk about how in life he needs to have some real accomplishments, and not just flash his beautiful smile at people and everyone will give him what he wants.

He tells me "I have a deadly weapon, why shouldn't I use it?"

And then he flashes it...

Sitting here on election day -- this has been one of the longest campaigns I can remember.

I still cant believe that Obama has made it this far, what with all the scary and undesirable things that have come out about him.

Clearly, people are voting with their emotions rather than their SEICHEL.

Not a good idea.

I am going to vote soon, I usually wait till the end of the day, because for some reason I feel that my vote is worth more if it's later in the day--it's more needed. I know that is not really logical but whatever.

I haven't listened to the radio all day for election results, cuz I am scared to hear that Obama is ahead.

I did get one funny text message about not worrying if Obama is ahead in the polls - wait till all the working people get home from work and go vote for McCain!

It is really frustrating to me that my candidates rarely win...

Sometimes I think that the average American is none too intelligent...
Perhaps people should not be allowed to vote unless they pass some type of test that verifies that they know what this country stands for, basic history and civics and what the heck the issues are.

Okay, I hear why black people want Obama, and young people as well. But for the life of me I cannot understand why modern orthodox Jews want him! especially older ones - forty and above.

And today I heard that all our brethren over in Williamsburg are voting for Obama and I find that abhorrent!!

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