
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Saturday, January 01, 2011

It has been a really long time since I last posted.
Lots have things have happened and I basically forgot about this blog. For some reason, I have recently remembered it and was thinking about it...

One of the biggest things that happened was that I had a baby!
This was a surprise to me. Well, by the time I had the baby I wasnt surprised anymore, of course. But when I discovered the pregnancy I was-- very. I just didnt think it was going to happen. Well, it did. (let that be a lesson to all of you! )
My daughter, born last December is, of course, beautiful and adorable. And cute. She rounded out our family nicely, now three boys and three girls.

I have learned several things.
Number one: when you are in your upper thirties, they use the term AMA alot. This stands for ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE.
That term was applied to me. repeatedly. At first I was a little insulted. But I consoled myself with the thought that if i was really that advanced an age, I wouldnt be at the obstetrician.
Today I heard a new term for this. It's called GERIATRIC OBSTETRICS. Coming soon to a frum neighborhood near you.

Lesson number two: you cant fully appreciate a newborn until you have had a fifteen year old.
Think about it. When you have your first, second or third, etc... your kids are all young and adorable and cuddly. You take it for granted that your kids will always be that way.
That is a stage that gets outgrown just like onesies and sippy cups.
When your child is fifteen, hormonal, and thinks he knows everything, is taller than you and weighs more than you, not to mention he has facial hair, you take your little newborn baby,
who doesnt argue and talk back and you can fit her into the crook of your elbow, you just squeeze her and say "AHHHH!"

Lesson number three: It is really really hard for me to cope without sleep.
Okay, I always knew that, but I had five kids in five different schools with five different schedules, not to mention two part time jobs and a house to run. That is a lot of logistics. I have had to relax my already low standards vis a vis housework temporarily until I had more energy. Yes, after the baby I did regain some of my energy but the baby turned out to be quite a difficult one. So the temporarily relaxed standards are still quite relaxed... and the baby just had her first birthday.

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