As promised before the Lipa tangent, here's the much touted Megapixel Plan:
The megapixel plan refers to my ideas about kollel, finances, shidduch crisis etc. I think with this one plan, we should help all these issues.
Having been there, done that, I think I am qualified to state opinions.
I think that there should be a sort of limit on years spent in Kollel. Every couple who wants to pursue the kollel thing should do so, but at the five year mark, they MUST meet with a rosh yeshiva to evaluate their personal situation. (The reason I say five years is cuz in my opinion living on a small scale is doable in the early years, but once you start with paying tuitions it all goes to pieces.)
a-Where is this kollel man headed? If he is not in the top ten percent, headed for greatness in learning, then we need to answer some questions.
b- how are their finances? who is paying the bills? is it the wife? if so, is she coping, mentally emotionally and physically?
is it the shver? if so, is HE coping? does he have more children on line to marry off? is he struggling to maintain support of this couple? is he on the verge of a heart attack?
c-where are they holding as far as expenses? at that point, they may have a kid about to enter school, in which case their expenses will suddenly increase by about $4000.00 per year. are they in debt?
So after these questions are answered, the couple together with the rosh yeshiva decides on a plan of action - to stay in kollel, or to "graduate" and pursue some sort of training and or a job.
If he IS in the top ten percent, (and the wife is coping/agreeable) he gets a raise from the kollel, and whatever support he needs to stay in learning. subsidized housing etc...
That way, guys dont stay too long, to the point where it doesnt pay for them to get a job because they are making too much money from programs etc. And if you stay too long, you run the risk of needing A LOT of money as soon as you leave, with no time to train for something or build yourself up from starting salary.
Here's my experience: I was not supported by anyone. I worked two jobs for much of those years - at least until it became impractical what with the children. My husband stayed as long as possible, and we had alot of debt by the time he left. He got a job, but started from the very bottom. So even after he left, I still had to work almost full time to make it. I personally did not mind so much, because I dont mind working - it's not as if I was dying to be an at-home mom. (I still have to work) Also, I can definitely live on less - I am not at all a high maintenence wife. But the debt did bother me alot. It took a long long time to climb out of it.
I think it will also affect the shidduch crisis because there will not be as much great demand for a girl's parents to come up with so much money to support a couple if kollel is limited.
I want to add that if someone is really wealthy and can easily support the couple without any strain on their own families, they should certainly do that if they want to. also if a wife has great earning power and wants to continue working.
Please chime in with your opinions - do you think a plan like this would improve things?