
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Here's another money saving tip for the tough economic times:

Red Peppers: NPGS: 3.99 lb

Yellow peppers: NPGS: 3.99 lb

the farmers market on RTE 9, same plaza as Burlington coat factory is a great source for fruits and vegetables, they have nice stuff and the prices are amazing. Maybe not worth a special trip just for fruits and veggies, but if you are heading in that direction, definitely worth a stop.

Red peppers: .89 lb
Yellow Peppers: .99 lb

I ask you, how is this fair? Is this not fully taking advantage of the good people of Lakewood? difference of THREE DOLLARS a lb? YES, yes, I know that there is nobody holding a gun to my head forcing me to buy red peppers and yellow peppers, which can be construed as a luxury item. But still.

I just redd another shidduch.

I know I have sworn off of getting involved with another shidduch, (see earlier posts) mainly because I found it very hard to let people down - how nicely can you say "This guy doesnt like you?"

Anyway, on Shabbos I thought of this shidduch, which, again, sounds really good on paper so instead of dithering around, I got the resume right after Shabbos and called the guy's mother.

That conversation alone is enough to put me off again.

Let's face it, when I call to redd a shidduch, I am doing a nice thing. I thought of them, I got off my couch to follow up, etc.

SO why was this woman giving me attitude? I dont want to be overly sensitive, but instead of being all "Thank you for calling, tell me more" in a nice friendly tone of voice, she was all brusque, and like "OH, this name just came up. And then went on asking me questions with this accusatory tone of voice, like I was trying to kidnap her precious son for this undeserving girl.

Not that any of the questions were outrageous (none of the paper or plastic, stacker or scraper crap) but it was more her tone of voice that I found offensive.

Hey, maybe its just her personality, I dont know her that well. But I still felt more like instead of me doing something nice for her, and she appreciating it, it was like her questioning me, and I needed to defend myself.

And what's this OH, this name came up? Was she trying to tell me, dont think you are doing me any favors, I already know about this shidduch? Is this so she can later say, you're not the shadchan, I heard of it before, so dont expect any shadchanus? (not the first time this woman gave me that line)

Also, when I gave the name of the girls grandparents, she's like "Yeah, I know her grandmother." again me getting the feeling that she is telling me again, -you're not doing me any favors

We'll see what happens.

two reasons why I sometimes go awhile before a new post.

1- There's not much going on in my life, so n0thing to write about

2- There's alot going on in my life, so not alot of time to sit down and write.

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