
Sometimes I think I think too much...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

So a few weeks ago, there was this spontaneous loud noise in the bathroom and when I bravely went in there to check it out, a bunch of tiles had fallen off the wall into the bathtub, leaving a big ugly gap in the tiled wall.
Instead of calling for a repairman who would be hard to reach and then charge me a bunch of money I decided to fix it myself.
I pulled off all the loose tiles surrounding the hole - there were about 15 of them. The sheetrock behind them was nasty - black and mushy, so I pulled that out too. (i wore rubber gloves cuz it was GROSS)
Then I went to HOME DEPOT - my favorite store (woohoo!) and bought:
-a piece of sheet rock
-tiles 15 - of course they didnt have the same color- but so what?
-tile adhesive/grout
-adhesive spreaders
total $30

Back home, I cut the sheetrock with the razor to fit the empty hole. Then I nailed it into the beam. Then I spread the adhesive over the new sheetrock, put on the tiles, waited 24 hours to let it dry, spread more grout over it to fill the spaces and then cleaned off the excess. I sat in the tub while doing it. It was easy! and fun!
Now i am so proud of myself, everyone who comes to visit gets dragged into the bathroom so i can show them my handiwork. Good thing the tiles are a different color than the rest of the wall so it's more noticeable.
Needless to say, everyone is very impressed.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Here's something that annoys me. I got the Lakewood Voice this week and they have a simcha page listing all the new babies, bar mitzvahs and weddings. The wedding list goes like this:

Chaim Kohn to the daughter of Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Weiss
Shloimi Friedman to the daughter of Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Goldberg etc.

So what would be so TERRIBLE if they named the Kallah's name. Is anyone going to get turned on by reading a girls name??
Like, there's frum and there's fanatic. Do you think this is really frummer?
And why is the kallah so INSIGNIFICANT that they dont even mention her name?
Is it all about the men?

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