My three year old daughter insists on dressing herself. SHe was putting on her dress this morning and I tell her - I think you should take of your pajama top first.
She looks at me and says- "Good point!"
Sometimes I think I think too much...
My three year old daughter insists on dressing herself. SHe was putting on her dress this morning and I tell her - I think you should take of your pajama top first.
more kid stuff
In response to the result of the elections, I have this to say: I dont want to hear another word from the black community about racism. As we all know, there are not enough black people to swing a national election, so clearly it was the white folks that elected him en masse. Therefore I think we can all agree that we as a country have gotten to the point that we chose a black person as a leader. Also I am struck by how successful the racial equality movement has been. In the nineteen fifties and sixties, they were drinking from separate fountains and sitting at the back of the bus, and now, fifty years later, America elected a black president!! Kudos to the American people. My only regrets of course, is that the black person who was chosen, in my opinion doesnt really have the qualifications, and I dont like his politics at all. The results of the elections also saddens me because a- it seems that overwhelmingly, the people do not appreciate the great system we have had - capitalism. They seem to want to be taken care of by the govt, and give up the option of taking care of themselves. Either that, or they are just not thinking. Which means they are voting either based on race, which is not a good enough reason to vote for someone. Sometimes I think people have mixed up the presidential campaign with the American Idol contest - a popularity contest. I do admit - I probably would've also voted for Obama in that kind of contest.
Raising teenagers
Sitting here on election day -- this has been one of the longest campaigns I can remember.