Lack of parking in the "downtown area" -this issue has been in and out of the local papers of late.
Several plans have been floated to build
parking garages around fourth and clifton to alleviate the "problem".
There is nothing more unsightly that a parking garage!
Although Lakewood has grown and spread and population wise is closer to being a city than a town, and ugly townhouses are springing up everywhere, and trees being chopped down like they are going out of style, at least the downtown area is still a friendly and small townish kind of area. with a town square for open space, cobblestones and low buildings.
The addition of a
5 story garage in the heart of town, possibly at the expense of said town square would ruin the look of the area, and take away the open and pleasant feeling. and parking garages always give me the creeps. I always feel that someone is lurking behind a parked car, and there is nowhere to run...
It seems that the people that are pushing for this are the ones that would gain most - by selling their land to the township. (Naturally)
But you dont see average people, or me for that matter
, begging for a 'Solution" to the parking problem cuz:
in my opinion, there IS NO SHORTAGE of parking spaces, OKAY?
I have never once gone downtown to take care of errands and turned away because I couldnt find a spot. Okay, I may have had to park farther away than I would have liked and walked two blocks! But that is not a parking problem THAT IS A LAZINESS PROBLEM!!!!
These proposed plans would cost millions of dollars (whose money, I wonder?) and aside from the aesthetics, I dont believe would be worth it. Dont forget the town is spreading out a lot and there are now several commercial areas, so people will be taking care of their shopping needs in areas other that clifton and fourth that are more convenient to where they live. In my opinion there will be less congestion there in the coming years, not more. As westgate strip mall, Chateau, Shloimys, Kosher village open and establish themselves, this will become evident.
What can be done to stop this before it becomes a reality?
does anyone know?
ps when i speak of the nice area, I am referring to 4th, 3rd, 5th. 2nd would of course be nicer if we tackle the other problem - illegals hanging around.